AWS Gründerfonds Logo

AWS Gründerfonds

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Who we areN/A
Value addN/A
Firm typePublic fund
Global HQ

Walcherstraße 11A 1020 Wien, Austria

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in companies headquartered in Austria
No revenues required, max. EUR 10m
Less than 50 employees
Founders must hold equity stakes in the company of at least 25 %
The company was founded up to 6 years ago respectively first sales were generated no more than 6 years ago. In this case, the following size criteria are reduced to 70 % of the above-mentioned figures: number of employees, turnover, balance sheet total
Management team with strong execution skills
Highly scalable business model with clearly recognisable benefit to the customer and documented proof of concept or proof of market
Target market with considerable volume and high growth potential
Investment amount between EUR 100,000 and EUR 3m (flexible contract structures)
For mezzanine investments: the company already generates revenues in its core business

We do not invest in:
Companies without enough risk commitment of the founders
Reorganisations and restructurings
Companies with trend-based revenues or unclear USP
Some business models in the area of financing, lending and insurance – to be discussed in detail with the company
Heavy industry companies​

We do ​Later Seed financing
Series-A and Series-B financing for high-growth start-ups
Funding stages3. Early Revenue4. Scaling
Check size$100k to $1M
Target countriesFlag of Austria Austria



How to get in touch Intro preferred
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Start your email with a personal greeting eg. "Hi John," or "Hello XXX Team,".

Please don't include URLs in your email body to maximize reply rate. We already link to your pitch deck and calendar automatically.

Make sure to include numbers (growth, revenue, etc.) in your email to capture attention.

Write shorter paragraphs to improve readibility. You can also use bulletpoints if you need to list down information.

No need to mention OpenVC in your email. Focus the conversation on your business.

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Don't share a read-only Google Slides, it may be poorly perceived by some investors. Instead, host a PDF on DocSend or Google Drive and share that link.

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You need to be logged in as a founder to submit your deck to investors.
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