Calm/Storm Ventures Logo

Calm/Storm Ventures

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Who we areCalm/Storm Ventures is an exclusive founder network & boutique venture capital firm. We are the most active health investor in Europe.
Value addWe invest in purpose driven founders changing our life, health and wellbeing for the better. We are a super-early stage investor and want to join your journey as early as we can.
Firm typeVC
Global HQ

Frankenberggasse 13, Top 18, Wien, 1040, AT

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in the Digital Health & Wellbeing space. Particularly we focus on projects tackling taboo subjects that once were deemed too sensitive to discuss but that have huge potential markets. We believe in diversity and equal opportunities and support unrepresented minorities. 50% of our portfolio companies have diverse teams and every third CEO.
Funding stages1. Idea or Patent2. Prototype3. Early Revenue
Check size$100k to $300k
Target countriesFlag of Canada CanadaFlag of USA USAFlag of Austria AustriaFlag of France FranceFlag of Germany GermanyFlag of Poland PolandFlag of Spain SpainFlag of Sweden SwedenFlag of Switzerland SwitzerlandFlag of UK UKFlag of Israel Israel


Lucanus PolagnoliPortfolio Success
I invest in Digital Health



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Start your email with a personal greeting eg. "Hi John," or "Hello XXX Team,".

Please don't include URLs in your email body to maximize reply rate. We already link to your pitch deck and calendar automatically.

Make sure to include numbers (growth, revenue, etc.) in your email to capture attention.

Write shorter paragraphs to improve readibility. You can also use bulletpoints if you need to list down information.

No need to mention OpenVC in your email. Focus the conversation on your business.

Your pitch deck

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Don't share a read-only Google Slides, it may be poorly perceived by some investors. Instead, host a PDF on DocSend or Google Drive and share that link.

Your link doesn't work. We recommend hosting your pitch deck as a PDF on Google Drive, Dropbox, DocSend, etc.

You need to be logged in as a founder to submit your deck to investors.
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