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Crossbeam Ventures

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Who we areCrossbeam Venture Partners (Crossbeam) is a venture capital firm that invests in Pre-Seed and Series A startups building tomorrow's economy. Focused on the themes of platform economies, fintech, novel asset classes, and new forms of media, Crossbeam is built to back companies of the next generation economy and the small businesses of tomorrow.
Value addThe fund specializes in novel asset classes and complex, structured businesses (think cash advances, transaction structuring etc.), and has an affiliate asset-backed credit fund for non-dilutive capital as well. They are heavily invested in the Amazon third-party seller ecosystem, allowing them a differentiated view on ecommerce.
Firm typeVC
Global HQ

120 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33130

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in pre-seed to Series A stage startups across several industries. We are generalists but many of our startups fall into 1) Fintech 2) Lending 3) Novel asset classes 4) Platform or creator economies and 5) B2B SaaS. We lead or co-lead about 50% of the time, and we pride ourselves in moving fast and being founder-friendly.
Funding stages1. Idea or Patent2. Prototype3. Early Revenue4. Scaling
Check size$500k to $3M
Target countriesFlag of Canada CanadaFlag of Chile ChileFlag of Colombia ColombiaFlag of Mexico MexicoFlag of USA USA


Ali HamedPartner
I invest in early stage technology-enabled startups
Alex NotisAssociate
Sakib JamalSr Associate
I invest in structured businesses, rollups, chrome extensions, fintech, healthcare



How to get in touch Intro preferred
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