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Harriet Ventures

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Who we areHarriet Ventures is a global private equity investment firm based in the United States. We focus on identifying exceptional companies and propelling them to new heights of achievement. We specialize in growth-focused SaaS companies, utilizing our expertise and resources to unlock the full potential of promising ventures.

**That means a fair, fast, and founder-friendly exit for you — and hockey-stick growth for your team.**
Value addWe’ve driven value creation as both founders, shareholders, board members, and C-suite executives at incredible high-growth and tech-enabled companies. We are operators first and foremost. At Harriet Ventures, we take a people first, hands-on approach to investment actively managing the companies we acquire.

 Our standard investment structure involves an up front payment to the founders, and then a structured buyout component based on net income, ensuring that our goals are aligned with the sustained profitability of the company. This approach motivates us to nurture and enhance the business’s performance, driving both short-term gains and long-term value creation.

We value long-term relationships with founders, and often allow a small percentage of equity to be retained so that they can benefit from eventual upside. Simply put, if we’re actively evaluating your company, we think what you’ve built is impressive and you deserve to see it mature. We are also committed to retaining key members of your team, and coaching them through the next phases of growth.
Firm typePE fund
Global HQ

St. Petersburg, FL US

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe buy majority stake in cash-flowing companies with > $500k in EBITDA and we are bullish on fintech, saas, ai, B2C, B2B, Ed tech, prop tech, health tech, social impact, gaming, bio-tech, Smb, built by women/ black / Latino/ LGBT founders and many more.
Funding stages4. Scaling5. Growth6. Pre-IPO3. Early Revenue
Check size$500k to $50M
Target countriesFlag of Angola AngolaFlag of Argentina ArgentinaFlag of Brazil BrazilFlag of USA USAFlag of UK UKFlag of South Africa South AfricaFlag of Kenya KenyaFlag of Nigeria NigeriaFlag of Ghana GhanaFlag of Singapore SingaporeFlag of India IndiaFlag of Tanzania Tanzania



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