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SinWave Ventures

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Who we areSineWave Ventures: Early-stage fund for enterprise IT startups, invests seed to series B, $200k - $10MM checks. Prefers $3-5MM, leads/co-leads/co-invests, seeks board position. Actively investing from $160MM third fund.
Value addSineWave invests in commercial technologies where they can help build both the commercial and public sector businesses for a company. The team has deep experience in data and analytics (including as an early investor in Databricks) and is interested in investing in IT technology.
Firm typeVC
Global HQ

251 18th Street South Suite 610 Arlington, VA 22202

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in the following areas:
• Data and Analytics: We look for data ingest technologies, developer tooling for AI and ML, understandable AI systems, analytic workflow tools, analytics to control automated processes, and decision analytics. Data need to be helpful in various environments in a way that addresses a wide range of latency concerns. As a result, we seek technologies that adapt analytic workflows to accommodate processing constraints and support the development of just-in-time, good-enough analytical strategies.
• Cybersecurity: We look for end-point security systems, zero trust systems, novel access control and isolation mechanisms, application security, code analysis, and software-defined perimeters. Data protection deserves special attention to address security and privacy concerns and look for novel ways to protect data in motion and at rest.
• Computing: We look for technologies that enable high-performance computing from commodity resources, allow distributed and edge computing, support stream processing, and enable specialized processors. We also believe that compute requirements ebb and flow, so look for technologies that rapidly provision and configure compute resources.
• Networking: We look for technologies that heighten network adaptivity and enable computation distribution. This includes software-defined networking, edge networks, and 5G technologies. Adaptive networks need secure network controls, so look for technologies that support policy-driven networking and secure network configuration.
Funding stages2. Prototype3. Early Revenue4. Scaling5. Growth
Check size$200k to $10M
Target countriesFlag of USA USAFlag of UK UKFlag of Israel Israel


Charlie KleinsmithSr Associate



How to get in touch Intro preferred
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