Vorsprung Climate Logo

Vorsprung Climate

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Who we areVorsprung Climate is a climate-tech venture platform formed by experienced investors and successful entrepreneurs. Our goal is to combat climate change through investments in groundbreaking innovations & technology in various stages (pre-seed to Series A, growth, expansion and fund investments). We are supported by our broad network of successful industrial families, enabling us to bring the experience and know-how of 30+ industry champions to our deals
Value addWe are a consortium of entrepreneurial and successful European families with deep industry expertise. Our support extends beyond capital; we leverage our collective know-how to assist our founders. Through our platform, leading U.S. and international startups gain valuable exposure to the European market. In a continuously evolving climate-tech ecosystem, our platform stands as the clear partner of choice for talented innovators.
Firm typeVC
Global HQ

Neuer Wall 35, 20354 Hamburg

Branch office #1
Branch office #2
Branch office #3
Branch office #4
Branch office #5


Funding requirementsWe invest in firms that are actively making a positive impact through our triple impact framework:

1. Create Impact
2. Foster Innovation
3. Generate Returns

Investment Strategies:

Direct Investments
- Club Deals
- Fund Investments
- Disruptive and scalable business models
- Broad applications in climate-tech
- Proven concepts
- Stellar management teams
- Some technology and execution risk
- 24 months cash-burn visibility
- Strong cap table
- EUR 250k – 1m per transaction
- Occasional follow-on investments
- Standalone or co-investment opportunities
- Lead or co-investor roles
- Originated by our team
- Allocation to oversubscribed or limited accessibility deals

Club Deals
- Proven model with low technology risk
- Exceptional team
- Clear path to industry-leader status
- Strong revenue and/or margin growth
- Ready for internationalization
- EUR 1m – 4m investment per club deal
- Co-investment rights for our LPs
- Full due-diligence process
- Originated by the Vorsprung team or through our connections
- Allocation to top-tier, sought-after funds

Fund Investments
- No Fund I risk
- Impressive teams with outstanding skill sets and pedigrees
- Full due diligence by our team or alongside other industry participants
- Proven track record and TVPI / MOIC
- If Fund II, at least 3-4 exits from Fund I
- Proven origination skills of the management team
- Co-investment rights for Vorsprung Climate on specific transactions

By adhering to these principles and strategies, we ensure our investments generate meaningful impact, drive innovation, and achieve significant returns.
Funding stages4. Scaling5. Growth6. Pre-IPO
Check size$1M to $20M
Target countriesFlag of Germany GermanyFlag of Switzerland SwitzerlandFlag of Austria Austria


I invest in Impact in the DACH Region.



How to get in touch Intro preferred
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