Unlimited investor search
Unlimited deck sharing
Unlimited deck analytics
Unlimited CRM
Unlimited team members
Investor open rates
Fundraising webinars
Fundability test
And many, many more
OpenVC Premium gives you advanced features to raise better and faster.Upgrade for $99/month or just $288/year.
Reach out to up to 5 investors per day directly via OpenVC, and fill your funding pipeline.
Target the right investors with exclusive filters: sollicitation level, preferred outreach, investor HQ etc.
Plug in your email, OpenVC scans your network and finds who can make an intro to your dream investor.
Reach out to an investor, we follow up automatically for you twice in the next 2 weeks.
Get massive discount on Airtable, Stripe, Hubspot, Azure and many exclusive deals.
Learn how to raise like a pro: 24 videos of 10 min each to guide you from zero to funded.
Build a top 1% pitch deck with our battle-tested template. Works on PowerPoint & Google Slides.
Get actionable feedback on your pitch deck, as often as you need, until it's perfect.
Your membership helps us make venture capital a better, more open industry.